Mayan Cycle Ajaw
M A Y A N    C Y C L E    A J A W

From 19 until 31 January, a period of 13 days, we live under the Mayan Ajaw Cycle.
In these 13 days Ajaw, the father Sun to the Mayas, helps us to open the heart. These are days to cultivate pure love and great compassion. A love that comes out of judgment, that respects the way of the other and that serves without expectations. An ever broader compassion, not only for the dear ones, but also for more and more beings.
In these days it is useful to practice devotion for the awakened ones to help us heal the wounds we carry in the heart chakra and to dissolve the walls that make us feel the separation. We bring the sun to our heart and allow its rays to illuminate our path, our life and our relationships.
Ajaw accompanies us for 13 days on a "Heart Path".
In this Mayan Ajaw Cycle we will have 3 days of Cosmic Portals:
4 Akbal - January 22 - through silence and meditation I encounter stability
11 OK - January 29 - freed moors through connection with guardians, protectors and celestial beings
12 Chuwen - January 30 - the past returns to heal the inner child

"Cosmic portals are days when the dimensional doors of the planet are open and we can receive more Light in our lives. The Light upon entering illuminates what we have of good... and illuminates what we have hidden and that we do not want to see. These are days with strong energy and as such we should focus our mind on gratitude and unconditional love to manifest harmony in all aspects of our lives."
Sónia Pereira, Nimaja
Mayan Cycle Ajaw
31 January 2019
19 to 31 Jan
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. . .  a n d   k n o w   m o r e   a b o u t   M a y a n   A s t r o l o g y :