Mayan Cycle EB´
M A Y A N    C Y C L E    E B ´

From 12 to 24 March, a period of 13 days, we live under the Mayan Cycle EB'.
In these 13 days, EB', the nomad to the Mayas, teaches us to be free. Living in freedom and traveling without borders in search of ourselves, our roots and our parts spread throughout the planet Earth. Like a wild cat learning to let go while keeping conected.
I take responsibility for my own nutrition and feed myself daily on a physical, energetic, emotional, mental and spiritual level. I fill myself, I nurture myself and thinking that something or someone can do it for me is pure illusion.
I love in freedom and I am free in love.

EB' accompanies us for 13 days on a “Path of Freedom“.
In this May EB' Cycle we will have 2 days of Cosmic Portals:
2 Ben - March 13 - portal to unlock authentic expression
5 Kib - March 16 - portal to use the sword of integrity in the rescue of personal power

"Cosmic portals are days when the dimensional doors of the planet are open and we can receive more Light in our lives. The Light upon entering illuminates what we have of good... and illuminates what we have hidden and that we do not want to see. These are days with strong energy and as such we should focus our mind on gratitude and unconditional love to manifest harmony in all aspects of our lives."
Sónia Pereira, Nimaja

Mayan Cycle EB´
24 March 2019
12 to 24 March
This 13 day cycle is general for the whole planet!
If you want to know more about your personal cycles, you will need to apply for Mayan Studies.

Sign up to keep update about the Mayan Cycles and all the events!

. . .  a n d   k n o w   m o r e   a b o u t   M a y a n   A s t r o l o g y :