Mayan Cycle Kimi
M A Y A N    C Y C L E    K I M I

From 14 to 26 February, a period of 13 days, we live under the Mayan Cycle Kimi.
In these 13 days, kimi, the symbol of Death and Rebirth for the Mayans, helps us embrace change with detachment, acceptance, and compassion.
To be reborn, we must die. Let the old go, which no longer serves us or corresponds, to drop layers that are no longer part of our being to create space. Without space, the new can not arrive no matter how great our desire, because the place that corresponds to it is occupied.
Detach from the past or from a present that no longer exists. Move forward with faith, even if each step may seem like a
crossing in the desert. Fly out of the cage even though the fear of being free is great. Flow as the river of life, embracing the changes so that everything begins to flow in our lives.

Kimi  accompanies us for 13 days on a "Path of Change".
In this Mayan Cycle we will have 3 days of Cosmic Portals:
4 Muluk - 17 February - purification of emotions to find emotional stability
7 Eb - 20 February - we find harmony living in freedom
12 Kaban - 25 February - the opportunity to heal the mother lineage and the feminine returns from the past

"Cosmic portals are days when the dimensional doors of the planet are open and we can receive more Light in our lives. The Light upon entering illuminates what we have of good... and illuminates what we have hidden and that we do not want to see. These are days with strong energy and as such we should focus our mind on gratitude and unconditional love to manifest harmony in all aspects of our lives."
Sónia Pereira, Nimaja
Mayan Cycle Kimi
26 February 2019
14 to 26 Feb
This 13 day cycle is general for the whole planet!
If you want to know more about your personal cycles, you will need to apply for Mayan Studies.

Sign up to keep update about the Mayan Cycles and all the events!

. . .  a n d   k n o w   m o r e   a b o u t   M a y a n   A s t r o l o g y :