Mayan Cycle Ix
M A Y A N    C Y C L E    I X

From December 24 to January 5, a period of 13 days, we live under the Mayan Cycle Ix.
In these 13 days, Ix helps us to rescue the internal power. A power that impels us to go out the comfortable zone and calls us to the stage.
It is not the stage to receive the applause of the ego. It is not the abusive or controlling power over the other.
It is the stage where we express our gifts serving the planet and humanity. It is the power that gives us strength to command our lives and take responsibility for our choices.
Ix is the Jaguar that does not go unnoticed with its splendor and sovereignty. These days this force helps us to manifest the inner Jaguar!

Ix accompanies us for 13 days on an "Empowerment Path".
In this May Ix Cycle we will have 2 days of Cosmic Portal:
7 Ahaw - December 30 - opening my heart to unconditional love I encounter harmony
9 Ik - 1 January - return from the past situations that I must free

"Cosmic portals are days when the dimensional doors of the planet are open and we can receive more Light in our lives. The Light upon entering illuminates what we have of good... and illuminates what we have hidden and that we do not want to see. These are days with strong energy and as such we should focus our mind on gratitude and unconditional love to manifest harmony in all aspects of our lives."
Sónia Pereira, Nimaja

Mayan Cycle Ix
05 January 2019
24 Dec to 5 Jan
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