Mayan Cycle Lamat
M A Y A N    C Y C L E    L A M A T

From November 28 to December 10, a period of 13 days, we live under the Maia Lamat Cycle.
In these 13 days Lamat helps us bring peace to life. All choices must be made in order to bring peace and all that brings harmony. We must bring a high meaning to everything we do and art, beauty and love must permeate our whole life. Living sensitivity and sacred feminine to the maximum. The space in which we live must be sacred and we must remove everything that lowers its vibration... it is time to connect with the Goddess of Love, Venus, or the Mayan Goddess Ix chel.

Lamat accompanies us for 13 days on a "Path of Peace".
In this Mayan Lamat Cycle we will have 1 Cosmic Portal:
13 Ahaw - December 10 - I open my heart to pure love and great compassion for all beings

"Cosmic portals are days when the dimensional doors of the planet are open and we can receive more Light in our lives. The Light upon entering illuminates what we have of good... and illuminates what we have hidden and that we do not want to see. These are days with strong energy and as such we should focus our mind on gratitude and unconditional love to manifest harmony in all aspects of our lives."
Sónia Pereira, Nimaja
Mayan Cycle Lamat
10 December 2018
28 Nov to 10 Dec
on Earth
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. . .  a n d   k n o w   m o r e   a b o u t   M a y a n   A s t r o l o g y :